Apr 7, 2011

Good to Wow - Shoot & Edit - UP


Texture:  warmsun by Kim Klassen

The theme for this week's Good to Wow was "up."
It's a beautiful day here and I thought I'd head out and take an "up" shot, but my battery needs to be charged!  Then, I remembered that a couple weeks ago, I had snapped some shots of our first spring buds.  
I googled "spring quotes" and found this one...fitting for the day this photo was taken.

For more Good to Wow fun, visit...


  1. i always loved when others used textures, but never dared to do it on one of my pictures!! never knew it was soooooo easy! great job!

  2. I love the texture and I think adding the quote was perfect. I am thinking of doing the same thing next week.

  3. Lovely! Texture and text really works for this image! Great job!

  4. beautiful use of texture on this shot! words make it perfect!
